V23826-H18-C366 85c)
single mode 622 mbd atm/sdh/sonet 1x9 transceiver extended temperature range (40c to 85c).single mode 622 mbd atm/sdh/sonet 1x9 transceiver extended temperature range (40c to 85c).
* Compliant with ATM, SONET OC-3, SDH STM-1 and SONET OC-12, SDH STM-4
* Meets mezzanine standard height of 9.8 mm
* Compact integrated transceiver unit with .
document and ANSI’s Broadband ISDN - Customer Installation Interfaces, Physical Media Dependent Specification, T1.646-19.
Pin No. 1 2 3 4 Symbol RxVEE RD RDn SD PECL Rx Signal Detect Rx 3.3 V Tx 3.3 V PECL Input Power Supply Mech. Support Tx Input Data Tx Ground Stud Pin Inverted transmitter input data Transmitter input data Negative power supply, normally ground Not co.
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